Community Involvement
At Ghitterman, Ghitterman, & Feld, we believe in making our community a happier, healthier, and more just place to live. Part of our mission is to champion for social justice, which doesn’t stop in the courtroom. To further our goal of making a positive impact on our community, we regularly give back in multiple ways.
Blood Drives
Shortly after Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, Texas, the idea for GG&F’s annual blood drive was formed. Benjamin Feld, the firm’s managing partner, was raised in Houston and was profoundly affected by the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. After natural disasters, there is often a dire need for blood and donating blood can save many lives. After hosting our first blood drive in October 2017, dubbed Bloodsucker’s Brunch, GG&F made this blood drive an annual tradition. During the COVID-19 pandemic, blood donations were scarce, as many people were staying at home and had other priorities to manage. In response, GG&F hosted a virtual blood drive to assist with the blood shortage, while enabling to donors to give blood safely.
Pro-Bono Work
GG&F staff have also regularly engaged in pro-bono work. In addition to our attorneys independently engaging in pro-bono work that interests them, the firm also offers opportunities for caseworkers and other staff members to get involved with pro-bono work under an attorney’s supervision. We have partnered with other community organizations, such as California Rural Legal Assistance, to provide help with expungements and name & gender corrections.
Walk to End Alzheimer's
The Alzheimer’s Association hosts various Walk to End Alzheimer’s events for different local communities, in order to raise awareness and funds to support families who are currently battling with Alzheimer’s. The events also support Alzheimer’s prevention and research. For several years, GG&F staff have supported the Walk to End Alzheimer’s by walking to show support, donating, and even sponsoring the event on occasion. We have seen firsthand how Alzheimer’s disease and early onset dementia can result in lower quality of life for some of our clients and we’re committed to making sure our clients have the highest quality of life, by supporting events such as this one.
Angel Trees
For many, the holidays are a time of tradition and giving. However, many families do not have the means to give their children the gifts they desire or to buy special food for the holidays.
Starting in 2019, we at GG&F began a tradition of bringing some holiday cheer to some of our clients who are in need with our Angel Trees program. We randomly select a couple families and all come together to give them gift cards, gifts, and other items that they need or want to give them an extra hand in making their holidays special. This program gives us another way of making a difference in the lives of our clients.
Green Initiative
Out of concern and respect for the world we live in, Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld launched our green initiative in March of 2011. This effort is a combination of employing technological advances as well as simple habitual changes to ensure that we leave our planet in as good of shape as we found it.
The biggest challenge to the firm was the huge amounts of paper produced. To tackle this challenge, the firm converted to a paperless filing system. This system enables us to scan and store all documents electronically and file electronically with the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. The firm also employs email and fax capabilities which do not require the printing of documents to send. To access documents in court, the firm uses tablet and laptop technology to view all electronically stored documents, and even remote working options which limit frequent trips back and forth to the office for simply generating and transmitting documents. In addition, our new location is currently being retrofitted with natural lighting solutions to save on unnecessary energy uses.
We also use video conferencing technology, so that clients do not necessarily have to commute to our offices to meet with us. We also use electronic signature technologies and have a client-centered app, which both further decrease the amount of paper we use.
For more information on the Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld green initiative, please contact us.
Supporting Children of Injured Workers
Starting in July 2021, we partnered with Kids’ Chance of California and Kuhtz Diehl Insurance to fund more scholarships for children of seriously or fatally injured workers.
When we first partnered with Kuhtz Diehl Insurance, an organization that helps seniors and the disabled with the Medicare enrollment process, the benefits of their services to our clients were apparent. Many of our clients become eligible for Medicare after being approved for Social Security Disability benefits and are often in need of guidance when it comes to enrolling and choosing a plan. Kuhtz Diehl Insurance can provide that guidance—at no cost to clients.
As this relationship was forming, both of our organizations decided that it was in alignment with our values to make a donation to further assist the disabled for each successful referral.
For each successful referral of a GG&F client to Kuhtz Diehl Insurance, Kuhtz Diehl has agreed to make a donation to Kids’ Chance of California, an organization that has provided many children of injured workers with scholarships to help them attend college without shouldering a significant amount of student loans.
With this program, we hope to help our clients, while also giving back to families of injured workers by supporting the meaningful work that Kids’ Chance of California is doing.
United Way
The United Way of Stanislaus County (UWSC) works to improve lives by focusing on education, income, and health, key areas that strengthen communities. They collaborate with local organizations, businesses, and volunteers to create programs that offer direct support and address root causes of community issues. UWSC strives to help individuals achieve financial stability, enhance educational outcomes, and improve access to healthcare. Through advocacy, funding, and partnerships, they aim to make a lasting, positive impact in the community.
UWSC can assit with basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, utility bills and rent, tutoring, child care, and more!
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